The New Weimann Playground is Now OPEN!

Ribbon-cutting Set for Saturday, April 9th!

There will be a double celebration on Saturday, April 9th! Edgewater Park will not only host Breakfast with the Bunny and Easter Egg Hunt… but also have the ribbon-cutting for the new Playground at Weimann Field!

Join us for the Bunny Breakfast at 9:00 a.m. Then at 10:00 a.m., we will dedicate the new playground with a ribbon-cutting ceremony… followed by pictures with the Bunny, then the Easter Egg Hunt!

Here are the final installation pictures of the new playground... putting on the tower roofs!




Edgewater Park is proud to have such a spectacular new playground at Weimann Field for all to enjoy, for many years to come!

Weimann Playground Is Closed... for Renovation!

Weimann Playground will be closed for several weeks in September 2021, but for a very good reason.

Residents may have seen some trucks being unloaded, stocked with large, strangely shaped pieces.

These are the beginnings of a brand new children's playground!

Here is what the new playground will look like...


So it will be worth the wait during this closure period!

Watch this space to keep up with its progress!










As these next pictures go up, they are pouring the base layer of the rubber surface!! 

But PLEASE... no playing on the equipment or walking on the surfaces until all the layers of rubber are poured and it is finished!

Meanwhile, enjoy this next batch of progress update pictures.








"Unfortunately," according to Public Works Superintendent Jim Bernard, "the roof panels of the playground are on back-order, and we will not be able to open the playground until they are on.  Everyone is hoping they come in next week...!"

Meanwhile, the pouring of the rubber surface continues.







Keep watching this spot for more updates!  It's almost finished!