This is the Archive Page for Federal, State, County and Local Information previously listed, saved here for reference since most of it is out-of-date:
Burlington County Health Department Extends Its Weekly Vaccination Wednesdays, 12pm-4pm, at the Weimann Building, through November 10th (adding Nov. 3rd & Nov. 10th) and Includes ALL Boosters - starting October 27th!
Weekly Vaccination Sites
Walk-ins Welcome... or Make an Appointment (see below)
October 25, 2021
"Until the vaccine megasite is reopened in Moorestown Mall, we will extend our Vaccination Wednesdays in Edgewater Park through mid-November," reports the Burlington County Health Officer.
“When the megasite is back open, we will scale back our operations to focus on school clinics. So, we are extending the Vaccination Wednesdays, 12pm - 4pm, at the Weimann Building to include October 27th, November 3rd and November 10th."
“Our clinics are now set up for all three boosters: Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, now that all three have final FDA and CDC approvals, as well as approval for for mix & match boosters among the three. Starting October 27, the Edgewater Park site will be ready with all three boosters."
Holly Funkhouser Cucuzzella, DrPH, MCHES, HO, Health Officer, Burlington County Health Department
Click Here for Full November Schedule
(note that this week's October dates are not included on the November chart)
Edgewater Park continues to host a County Vaccination Site on
Wednesdays, at the Weimann Building
400 Delanco Road, Edgewater Park
From 12pm - 4pm
Walk-Ins Welcome - or Make an Appointment
Call: 1-855-568-0545 (NJVSS Call Center)
Sites will be offering Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.
Those who receive Pfizer or Moderna 1st doses will be informed of their 2nd dose date.
September 2021:
County Opens COVID Testing Clinic to all who live, work or go to school in Burlington County!
Click here for Monday through Friday information.
Indoor Dining, Recreation & Entertainment Facilities Updates
Effective September 4, 2020

Executive Order #183 - Signed September 1, 2020
New Jersey Department of Health Executive Directive #20-030 - September 1, 2020
NJDOH Indoor Dining Guidelines - September 1, 2020
Safety Tips For Gatherings
Regulations for indoor gatherings in New Jersey
During this difficult time, we understand everyone wants to spend time with family and friends. To ensure we don't inadvertently spread COVID-19 and needlessly put our loved ones at risk, the NJ Department of Health has offered some safety tips that can help reduce the risk of transmission when we gather in-person.
• Remind invited guests to stay home if they have been exposed to the virus in the last 14 days, are showing COVID-19 symptoms, or recently travelled to an area or a state with high COVID-19 infection rates.
• Ask guests to wear face coverings when they cannot social distance.
• Make hand sanitizer available for guests.
• Limit the number of people handling or serving food—for example, consider identifying one person to serve all food so that multiple people are not handling the serving utensils.
• Remind guests to wash their hands before serving or eating food.
• Use single-use hand towels or paper towels for drying hands so guests do not share a towel.
• Clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces and any shared items between use when feasible.
• Consider keeping a list of guests who attended for potential future contract tracing needs. If you are called by a contact tracer, it's critical that you answer the call to protect us all.
Your help is the key to stopping the spread of COVID-19 and saving lives.
Source: Executive Order No. 142; Executive Order No. 148; Governor's Remarks; Executive Order No. 152; Executive Order No. 156; Executive Order No. 161; Commissioner Persichilli's Remarks 7/29/20; Executive Order No. 173; Executive Order No. 183
Attending a gathering, ceremony, or celebration is permitted as long as the event complies with the following limits on gatherings.
Gatherings are allowed, but different limits apply depending on the type of gathering, and where it is happening:
Indoor Gatherings
General indoor gatherings must be limited to 25 people or 25% of a room's capacity - whichever number is lower. All attendees at indoor gatherings must wear face coverings and stay six feet apart.
- Indoor gatherings for weddings, funerals, or memorial services must be limited to 150 people or 25% of a room's capacity - whichever number is lower.
- Indoor gatherings for religious and political activities protected under the First Amendment must be limited to 150 people or 25% of a room's capacity - whichever number is lower.
- Indoor gatherings for entertainment centers where performances are viewed or given, including movie theaters, performing arts centers, and other concert venues, must be limited to 150 people or 25% of a room's capacity - whichever number is lower.
Outdoor Gatherings
General outdoor gatherings must be limited to 500 people and social distancing must be practiced.
- There is no limit for outdoor gatherings for religious or political activities protected under the First Amendment.
- To save lives and stop the spread of COVID-19, wear a mask, wash your hands, practice social distancing, and stay home if you are sick.
Face coverings are required in indoor public spaces and in outdoor public spaces when social distancing is difficult to maintain.
For more information on rules for indoor gatherings, refer to paragraphs 4-6 on pages 9 and 10 of Executive Order No. 183 and paragraph 1 on page 6 of Executive Order No. 152.
For more information on rules for outdoor gatherings, refer to paragraph 1 on page 5 of Executive Order No. 161 and paragraph 2 on pages 7-9 of Executive Order No. 152.
Governor Phil Murphy's Executive Order Archives
Important Links