Rite Aid (Store #1867)
1147 Cooper Street
Edgewater Park, NJ
- Testing will begin on Monday, 5/11/2020.
- Testing is by appointment only via www.RiteAid.com. The appointments will begin on Sunday morning.
- Rite Aid recently expanded its testing criteria. We are now including all individuals over the age of 18 who are exhibiting any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell.
- People wishing to be tested must be COVID-19 symptomatic, but an Rx from a doctor or health care provider will not be required.
- Testing is free of charge to patients. Patients will not be asked to enter insurance information.
- Patients will arrive and come through the pharmacy drive-through, where they will receive a test through the drive-through drawer. Testing will be completed in the confines of the patient's car, sealed by the patient, and then handed back to the Rite Aid pharmacists through the drawer. Alternatively, some sites may use a locked drop box type kiosk for testing to be deposited and collected by Rite Aid personnel to minimize contact.
- Rite Aid will still be utilizing the self-swab nasal tests.
- Bio-Reference Labs will be doing the testing and reporting all results to NJDOH and County Health Departments.
- You must be in a car to be tested; at this time, no walk-ups are being accepted.
- If you're coming to Rite Aid to be tested, you will not be permitted inside the store itself. You must stay in your vehicle.
- At present, each site will have the ability to conduct 50 tests per day.