Senior Advisory Committee
The Senior Advisory Committee provides advice and guidance to the Township Committee on the wants and needs of Edgewater Park's elder population related to recreation programs, facilities, equipment, transportation, health and wellness, adult education and other services or public features that are of particular interest to our growing population of seniors.
The committee is mindful of the very wide range of interests and needs among seniors, from the very vigorous to the very vulnerable, and helps the Township to prioritize and meet as many of those needs as possible.

Driving Resources for Seniors and Various Challenging Driving, Disability, and/or Road Conditions:
Here is a website ( ) that provides resources and checklists for numerous categories of driving with:
• Mobility Issues
• Vision Issues
• Neurodivergent Conditions
• Psychiatric Conditions
• Other Medical Conditions

It also covers such issues as:
• Vehicle Modifications and Adaptive Driving Equipment
• Paying for Vehicle Modifications
• Risks on the Road and How to Mitigate Them
• Driving License and Handicap Permit Requirements
• Vehicle Safety Checklist

A Musical Tribute for Seniors!!
Some resources for Seniors

Here Are More Resources for Seniors!
Township Committee's liaison to the Senior Advisory Committee is Mayor Kevin Johnson, who has discovered some handy resources for seniors from Below is part of the organization's mission statement, found at:
"Dedicated to Providing Seniors the Financial Resources They Need for Monetary and Physical Well-Being" strives to be the most complete, up-to-date, and reliable source of simple and easy-to-access information about financial resources for seniors and their loved ones on the internet. To accomplish that, the Eldercare Financial Assistance Locator tool was created, and comprehensive resources are continually being added and updated for those in every state in the nation. The site is owned and operated by Caring, LLC, a leading senior care referral service.'s History
" has its earliest roots in The American Elder Care Research Organization. This organization was established in 2007 as a result of the founders' personal experience navigating the maze of program eligibility requirements, and eventually assembling the myriad pieces of the puzzle to create a suitable financial plan for a loved one."
More information is found on their "About Us" web page.
The group states that "... When our tools and resources help seniors complete the process of finding senior care, the site makes a small referral fee from the senior care providers."
The website also contains data on assisted living, aging in place and ways to pay for senior care.

The Edgewater Park Township Committee merely lists this organization as a resource service for seniors and their family members. It does not officially endorse or receive any benefit from this organization, nor have any official connection to this organization.