Recreation Department
EP Recreational Facilities Are Ready for Rental!
Click here for complete information and fees.

100th Anniversary Sub-Committee
The 100th Anniversary Sub-Committee has been charged with the tasks of creating community and fundraising events to help underwrite the costs of 2024's 100th Anniversary of Edgewater Park Township. Volunteers are and will continue be needed for helping with these events and activities. The 100th Anniversary Sub-Committee meets every second Tuesday of the month in the Municipal Courtroom. The public is invited to attend.
Edgewater Park Establishes Parks & Community Engagement Committee

Click here for full story and information

Department of Public Works Gets EP Fields Ready for Sports
Edgewater Park is now taking in regular sports events at its athletic fields and courts. Jim Bernard and the DPW crew have painted a full football field at Memorial Field for GA football. “This is how good they are,” said Township Clerk Brandon Garcia. “DPW painted a full football field, had an epic rainstorm, and then refreshed the field for GA to begin!”
The Weimann Courts will have 1 on 1 half court basketball exhibitions going through the summer… with DPW support there, too.
Thanks to the efforts of Township Committeeman Michael Trainor and Township Clerk Brandon Garcia, Iso Island 1 v 1 Basketball is coming to town (see the poster below) on July 24th. Many of the 1 v 1 players are local high school basketball players and alumni from the surrounding schools. Word has it that former pros and college players come to watch and shoot around as well. They have a large Instagram following.
GA Football Academy will soon have news about their season. Short for Gridiron Access, GA Academy’s mission is to provide training and showcase the talents of local young football players to reach scouting from high schools and colleges. They are happy to have a home for their league here in Edgewater Park.
Edgewater Park Establishes Parks and Community Engagement Committee
At its regular meeting on 6/2/21, Edgewater Park Township Committee adopted Ordinance #2021-11, establishing the Parks and Community Engagement Committee. After reviewing all applications to serve on this new committee, the Mayor – with consent of Township Committee – will appoint the five PCEC members, all of whom must be residents of the Township of Edgewater Park. Volunteers are always welcome.
The PCEC will consist of five members. Two members serve a one-year term, and three members serve a two-year term. Three PCEC members shall serve as Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, and Recording Secretary. Additional attendees include a PCEC Coordinator plus a Police Liaison, Township Committee Member Liaison, and Public Works Liaison.
(Administrator Tom Pullion & Inspector Donna Dragos work the concession stand at Weimann Field for the Friday Night Movies event.)
The Parks and Community Engagement Committee will help the Township provide community-based events and activities at the parks, recreational facilities, athletic fields, and open natural spaces in the township, to promote the physical and social well-being of residents. To that end, the PCEC will plan, organize, coordinate and report on all community-based events and help provide recreational programming and activities, as well as work for the beautification of the township parks and promote the above activities for participation by township residents. 
The Parks and Community Engagement Committee has no official authority to create, pass or enforce any of the park rules or activities without express consent of Township Committee.
The PCEC will work with the PCEC Coordinator and Liaisons to coordinate and plan community events and voluntary community projects in the Township. It will recommend projects involving recreation, environmental, health and wellness, sports schedules, and community engagement as well as assist in the management and overall success of projects. The PCEC will also review current parks and recreation programs and facilities to determine additional needs and submit recommendations to the Township Committee, including input and ideas for long-range plans and goals to use these township resources for the maximum benefit of all.
All applicants should have an interest in developing and maintaining Township parks and recreational facilities and in working with the Township Committee, other members of the Parks and Community Engagement Committee, and the general public to plan for future improvement in parks, recreational facilities, programs and a wide variety of related projects. Formal education in the field is not necessary, but some demonstrated experience or involvement in parks and recreation projects, or planning is preferred. All interested residents must submit an application, available on the Edgewater Park website: under Departments, Municipal Clerk… click “Forms” in the right column, and the first item is the Citizen Leadership Application.
The Committee is being established to move forward officially in 2022; however, we are recruiting the team early to get a jump start on 2022. Applications should be submitted to the Edgewater Park Township Administrator or Township Clerk at the Municipal Building.
Respectfully submitted, Kevin Johnson, Township Committee Member
Typical Annual Events
- January:
- February:
- March: Easter Bunny Breakfast and/or Ride Around
- April:
- May: Memorial Day Observance
- June:
- July:
- August:
- September:
- November: Fall Festival, Veterans Day Observance
- December: Holiday Tree Lighting
Upcoming events will be posted in the news portion of the website.