
Property Tax Relief Application Packets for 2024 Taxes Coming Soon...

In mid-March the State of New Jersey will begin mailing to residents the Application Packets for Property Tax Relief for the 2024 filing period.  Below is a letter from the Division of Taxation explaining the process, plus FAQs regarding tax relief, and also the full packet which will be mailed out.  Click each picture below to open its pdf file.



 Tax Payments Due

  • February 1st 
  • May 1st 
  • August 1st 
  • November 1st 

Tax Assessor

Notice:  The Tax Assessor Office will be closed on Tuesday, June 3rd, 2025, Primary Election Day and also on November 4th, 2025 - Election Day

Request an appointment

The Assessor’s office provides the information necessary to ensure an accurate valuation of properties and equitable distribution of the real estate tax levy so that all taxpayers pay their fair share of the obligations of the schools, the county, and the municipality.

The assessor must continually process all changes in the status of a property, thereby ensuring that taxes are levied proportionally to all property owners.

The Tax Collector bills and collects all property taxes as established by the Tax Assessor. For those property owners who refuse to pay their tax bills, the Tax Collector is responsible for enforcement procedures, up to and including the sale of a lien against the properties to which taxes are delinquent. Records are maintained in the Tax Office for these lien holders and lien redemptions are processed through the Tax Collector’s Office. The Tax collector verifies delinquent tax balances (tax searches) for credit checks and works with the real estate title companies involved in that process.

Additional Links

Contact Information

Tax Assessor
Neal Snyder
Phone: 609-877-3838
Hours: Tuesday 6 - 8 pm

Assistant to the Tax Assessor
Patricia Cahall
Phone: 609-877-2050 x 310
Days: Monday, Wednesday - Friday 
Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Day: Tuesday
Hours: 8:30 am - 1 pm & 6 - 8 pm

Tax Collector
Mindie Weiner
Phone: 609-877-2062

Tax Clerk
Alexa Rancani
Phone: 609-877-2062
Days: Monday - Thursday 
Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Day: Friday
Hours: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm