Municipal Clerk
Duties & Responsibilities
In Edgewater Park the Municipal Clerk serves in the following capacities:
Secretary of the municipal corporation and custodian of the Municipal Seal, as well as all minutes, record books, deeds, bonds (performance or other), contracts and archival records of the municipal corporation, and provides public access to government records for both inspection and duplication;
Secretary to the Township Committee, who prepares meeting agendas at the discretion of the Township Committee, attends all meetings of the Township Committee, and provides for minutes of every meeting, as well as preservation of all ordinances and resolutions;
Chief Elections Officer in all elections held in the municipality and Chief Registrar of the Voters in the Township.
Administrative Officer responsible for the licensing for taxis and vehicles for hire, liquor licenses, and games of chance.
Additionally, we are here to assist you. If you have a question about the Township Committee or any issue related to the above, please call or e-mail our office. We will respond or suggest the appropriate source for the information you seek.
Convenient Voting in New Jersey From Now On!
The NJ General Election will again offer 3 ways to VOTE:
- Vote-by-Mail Ballot - U.S. mail, secure ballot drop box, or Board of Elections Office
- In-person early voting with 6 additional days
- In-person at your polling place on General Election Day.
Remember: REGISTER TO VOTE for the Primary Election & at the County Board of Elections
- Vote-by-Mail (VBM)
Your vote-by-mail ballot MUST be postmarked or be received by your County’s Board of Elections prior to the deadline of the current voting year.
- Secure Ballot Drop Box
Nearest Drop Box: Place your vote-by-mail ballot in one of your county’s secure ballot drop box (nearest is Edgewater Park Municipal Building) prior to the deadline of the current voting year.
Board of Elections Office: Deliver your vote-by-mail ballot in person to the Burlington County Board of Elections Office, 301 Harper Drive in Moorestown prior to the deadline of the current voting year.
- In-Person Early Voting
This option enables all registered voters to cast their ballot in person, using a voting machine during designated dates of the current voting year.
Days: Monday - Saturdays |Hours: 10 am – 8 pm
Day: Sunday | Hours: 10 am – 6 pm.
Where: The nearest early voting location is the Willingboro Public Library, 220 Willingboro Way, right across US Route 130 South in the Town Center.
List of Burlington County Early In-Person Polling Places
Election Day Polling Places on General Election Day
Time: 6 am – 8 pm
- Districts 1 through 6 will vote at Magowan Elementary School, 405 Cherrix Avenue, Edgewater Park, 08010
- Districts 7 & 8 will vote at Ridgway Middle School, 300 Delanco Road, Edgewater Park, 08010
As reported in June 2023, the State no longer automatically sends out ballots. For those who, normally receive a mail-in ballot, your mail-in ballot will automatically be sent to you. However, please be advised that MAIL-IN BALLOTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED at the Early Voting or In-Person POLLING LOCATIONS.

This is Edgewater Park's Mail-In Ballot Box!
Dog Licensing
Dog License Application

Dog licensing late fees will begin after February 28
When submitting a dog license application, there is a 3 year and 1 year licensing option. Please consider the appropriate option for your dog when completing the form.
- New puppies should be of age to receive a rabies vaccination and be formally licensed.
- Is your dog(s) rabies vaccination good thru to November 1 of the licensing year?
Reminder: Issued dog licenses will expire the following January 31, at the end of either the 1 or 3 year term.