Code Enforcement

Certificate of Inspection (formerly known as Certificate of Occupancy)

Certificate of Inspection form is always required when selling or purchasing a property in Edgewater Park Township, and when a property is to be rented out. This includes purchasing a bank owned/foreclosed parcel. 

  • If any work is found to be done without a construction permit, a permit application must be filed with the Township and pass proper inspections with the Construction Department. Any (old or new) outstanding construction permits must be closed to receive a final Certificate of Inspection (C/I). Please refer to the Notice of Permit Closure & Responsibility for more information.
  • If a sale is dependent on the settlement date and requirements from the temporary certificate cannot be met in time, a buyer may assume all responsibility to make corrections with an affidavit form. The buyer may not occupy the residence until outstanding items are amended. They must be found in compliance by Code Enforcement, with a follow up inspection by the certificate's expiration date (or 30 days from original date of inspection). Temporary C/I conditions and re-inspection fees may be applied.

  • Certificate of Inspection applications must be complete for processing. Required information includes names and phone numbers of the Owner/Seller and Buyer/Tenant, any other resident information, and names/birthdates of all school age children (for purposes of School District registration records).

  • If a sale falls through for a property, the Seller must notify the Code Enforcement office so that the certificate can be cancelled. Otherwise, there may be penalties for leaving a C/I open without a final inspection.
  • Anything not supplied by the applicant, that is required by the inspections departments, could result in delayed scheduling. If an application is incomplete, the form is subjected to being held until requested information is re-submitted or the forms will be returned to the originator.

We do not accept credit card payments. Completed forms + payment can be mailed in, left in our drop box, or brought to the office in-person; Mondays - Thursdays, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm & Fridays, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm.

  • Re-sale inspection requirements:
  1. Certificate of Inspection form
  2. $120 check - This includes 1 re-inspection.

If a re-sale inspection fails, a Temporary Certificate of Inspection will be issued. That Temporary C/I is only good for 30 days after the first inspection. 

  • Rental inspection requirements:
  1. Certificate of Inspection form
  2. Landlord registration statement
  3. $100 check - This includes 1 re-inspection.
  4. Rentals must be inspected every year by April
    -or- prior to every new tenant move in.

If a rental inspection fails, a Temporary Certificate of Inspection will be issued. That Temporary C/I is only good for 60 days after the first inspection.

  • Re-inspection requirements:
  1. A $50 fee is applied if the Temporary Certificate of Inspection exceeds the 30 day expiration period -or- surpasses 2 failed consecutive inspections.

Holiday Scheduling Availability for C/I Inspections

This year, for Christmas and New Year holidays, the Township Offices will be closed as follows: Tuesday through Thursday, December 24th, 25th and 26th; and Tuesday & Wednesday, December 31st & January 1st, 2025.   

Scheduling C/I Inspections

Once a Certificate of Inspection Application Report (form) is completely filled out and paid for, an inspection will be provided for the next available time. Inspection slots are approximately as follows:

Monday - Thursday
Morning slots
 are 9, 10, and 11 am
Afternoon slots are 1:30, 2:30, 3:30 pm

Morning slots
 are 9, 10, and 11 am

We are unavailable to do inspections on Tuesday mornings when court is in session.

At the time of inspection:

  1. A blue recycling cart must be present.
  2. Type 2A-10B:C Fire Extinguisher - 5' high, on the wall, on way to exit within 10' kitchen.
  3. 10-year sealed battery-powered single station smoke alarms shall be installed.
  4. Refer to the 2nd page of the C/I form for more detailed requirements.
  5. Per the inspector's discretion, a heating system certification form may be required.
  • Someone over the age of 18 must be present to let the inspectors onto the property.
  •  A lock box code must be provided with a valid contact name and phone number.

Vacant Properties

Vacant properties must be registered with the Township.

vacant property form should be completed and submitted with the appropriate fees. Registration fees on page 2 of registration form.

Submissions can be mailed to:

 400 Delanco Road, Edgewater Park, NJ 08010
-OR- Left in the drop box, outside the Municipal Building

Registration & questions can be directed to inspector:
609-877-2050 x 340
    If you are requesting public records of any property, please submit an OPRA Form to the Municipal Clerk.

LANDLORDS:  Get up to $15,000 for Your Rental Property Repairs with Edgewater Park's Rental Rehabilitation Program!

Click here for full details!

Dumpster Requirements

Dumpsters require approval from the Township.
Applications can be submitted to the Zoning Office by completing the Zoning Form.

They are approved for use up to 30 days and must be placed in the driveway.
Corner properties may be subject to additional requirements.

If a dumpster cannot be placed in the driveway, further instruction from the Zoning Official is required, as the dumpster cannot obstruct traffic without proper coning and traffic coordination.


Contact Information

Employee Information

Code Enforcement
Yakup Koksaldi
 609-877-2050 x 340
Days: Monday - Thursday
Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Meetings: by appointment preferred
Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Code Enforcement
Donna Dragos
Phone: 609-877-2050 x 343
Days: Monday - Thursday
Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Day: Friday
Hours: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Code Enforcement
David Boulden
Phone: 609-877-2050 x 341
Days:  Monday - Thursday
Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Day:  Friday
Hours: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Clerk 1
Lavonne Johnson
 609-877-2050 x 314
Days: Monday, Wednesday - Thursday
Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm