Federal, State, & County Information for NJ Residents

DCA Winter Termination Program - To Avoid Service Shutoff from November 15, 2024 through March 15, 2025
Please click here or the graphic below to download the complete pdf file of the DCA Winter Termination Program

FEMA Individual Assistance Declarations Factors Guidance - June 2019 to help residents with recent flooding issues

Click here or the text above to download the entire pdf file of the FEMA Guidance document.
Burlington County Health Department announces Flu Shot Thursdays 2024-2025 Clinic Schedule:

Senator Singleton Presents HERstory

Federal Grant Creates Edgewater Park's Portion of the Delaware River Heritage Trail!
Below is a map of the Heritage Trail that goes through Edgewater Park Township, along the River Line, which was paid for with Federal grant money and which aligns with the State and County efforts to connect trails throughout New Jersey. Click here (or the picture below) to download the pdf file of this Delaware River Heritage Trail map.

Edgewater Park Selected as Recipient for "Safe Streets & Roads for All" (SS4A) Planning and Demonstration Grant!

Click here to download the above letter.
For details of the SS4A - Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant, click here or below:

Senator Troy Singleton & Burlington County Commissioners’ Winter Coat Giveaway!
On Saturday, December 2nd from 10am to 12pm at the Burlington County Emergency Services Building in Westampton, Senator Singleton will be partnering with the non-profit Parents Engaging Parents and Burlington County to distribute 600 winter coats for children.
· Children MUST be present to receive a coat.
· Families MUST pre-register at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSciGbJi4DmcGC9OCIBEN8CFJgKto8G349p6wC5msAU4KwiubA/viewform
· Supplies are limited and registration is first come, first served.
· Burlington County Emergency Services Training Center
53 Academy Drive
Westampton, NJ 08060
Congressman Kim leads procurement success for funding EP Public Safety Building and Community Center

Click here or above for full story

Click the USDA documents above to download their pdf files.
EP's own Tom Pullion initiates Pizza Box Recycling!

State Senator Singleton Procures Quarter Million $$ for Memorial & Kite Fields Renovation

State Senator Singleton at Monument Cemetery with a Much Appreciated Check

Standing at the Veterans Garden Honor section of Monument Cemetery, L-R: Bill Lucas, Cemetery Trustee, State Senator Troy Singleton, Kevin Johnson, Edgewater Park Committeeman, Judy Hall & Ralph Ulissi, Cemetery Trustees, and George Stevenson, Trustee President
Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program & Winter Termination Program; Mandatory Local Government Participation and Residential Ratepayer Notice from the DCA:
Click to download the pdf file.
Here is NJ Department of Health guidance for poor air quality days. Click to download the pdf file.

Burlington County Continues to Make COVID-19 Vaccines & Boosters Available

Click here or picture above for full story.

Click this header (above) or the picture below to open and/or download the full NJDEP Spring Update, with lots of grants and news!

Click here or above for the full flier with information on free lead screening for children 1 - 6 years.

Congressman Andy Kim Secures Major Funding for Our Area
Click the snippet below to go to the full article:

Here is the URL for the article above:

Click here for the entire article with more details...
New Jersey Veterans Drug Rehab Centers

Click here to download pdf file of this flyer.
Volunteers Invited to Help Lay Flags on Veteran Graves, as 49th State in Nationwide Mission

Burlington County Programs Offered by Catholic Charities, covering:
Children & Families Housing & Food Mental Health

Next Covid Vax Clinic at Willingboro Senior Center - Monday, September 26, 2022
Click here to download

Rutgers Cooperative Extension Homesteading Academy presents "Lunch and Learn" Webinar Series!
Anyone interested in home-grown sustenance can now tune in on the 2nd Tuesday of each month for lunchtime lessons on seed saving, ponds, fruit & nut crops, food preservation and much more!
Click here to download the flyer.

Click here for more details about the program.
Burlington County Departments & Programs Phone Directory
Click here to download list.
Thanks to Senator Troy Singleton and the Murphy Administration, Edgewater Park has been awarded a Safe Streets to Transit Grant!
On February 15, 2022, Edgewater Park Township received from both from the Office of Senator Troy Singleton and the Murphy Administration the following good news:
“On behalf of Senator Singleton, we are happy to announce that the below project in your town received a FY2022 Safe Streets to Transit (SSTT) Grant. The SSTT Grant Program provides funds to counties and municipalities to improve the overall safety and accessibility for mass transit riders walking to transit facilities and facilitate the implementation of projects and activities that will improve safety in the vicinity of transit facilities.
SSTT Grant – Edgewater Park for Bridgeboro Road Pedestrian Improvement Phase 1 - $295,000.00”
"Thank you,
Jennifer Crea Aydjian, Chief of Staff - Office of Senator Troy Singleton”
Township Administrator Tom Pullion responded, “On behalf of the residents of Edgewater Park, the Mayor-Committee and myself, please extend our deepest gratitude to the Senator in aiding us to secure these funds.”
Mayor Bill Belgard added that “We are very grateful for the Senator’s efforts on our behalf and wish to convey that to our entire community!”
Click here to read about this SSTT Grant and how it will help commuters.

Burlington County Vaccination Clinic Sites for March 2022
Click here to download the vaccination clinic sites flyer

Click here for the updated Burlington County COVID-19 Testing Sites information, as of 24 February 2022.
Burlington County Health Department Adds Two More Testing Sites
Details are now posted for the two new Testing sites at the Blue Barn, 1004 Tuckerton Road, Marlton; and at Evans Hall, 100 Technology Way, Mount Laurel on the Rowan College at Burlington County campus.
The current Willingboro Town Center hours are listed on the illustration below, but will change beginning January 31, 2022. The new hours will be Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 8a.m. to 3p.m.; Tuesdays & Thursdays 11a.m. to 6p.m.
Until January 31st, these are the Willingboro testing site hours, below:

New Jersey COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage - BURLINGTON County & Municipality Report

As 2022 begins, the Burlington County Health Department has released the most recent, as of January 10, 2022, report of vaccination activity, at state, county and local levels. Above is a snapshot of some of the data.
Click here to view and/or download the full report.
Burlington County Health Department - important FYI
The Vaccination Wednesdays at Weimann Building stopped as of November 10, 2021, so that the County can implement School Vaccination programs for youngsters 5 to 11 years old, as well as older students.
Weekly Vaccination Sites
September 2021:
County Opens COVID Testing Clinic to all who live, work or go to school in Burlington County!
Click here for Monday through Friday information.

Burlington County Still Actively Helping Residents During COVID-19 Recovery ...
Two major programs are using the federal Cares Act funding to continue helping people with mortgage and rent assistance, food security and other support.
Click here for Burlington County Emergency Mortgage & Utility Assistance
Click here for Food Bank of South Jersey Hope Mobile Food Distribution during July, August and September, at the Willingboro Library Parking Lot, just off Route 130 in the Willingboro Town Center.
During this COVID-19 pandemic period, and beyond, this page is meant to provide important links and content with official government information that is vital to all residents and businesses in the Garden State, Burlington County, and in Edgewater Park Township.

Governor Murphy Lifts More Restrictions as Summer Begins
The following changes will go into effect on Friday, May 28:
Lifting the mask mandate in indoor public spaces.
- Businesses and entities overseeing indoor spaces will continue to have the ability to require masking for employees, customers, and/or guests.
- Per CDC guidance, masks will continue to be required ion health care settings, including long-term care facilities and office-based settings, correctional facilities, homeless shelters, and on planes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation, as well as transportation hubs such as airports and stations.
- Additionally, also per CDC guidance, child care centers and facilities, youth summer camps, and public, private, and parochial preschool program premises and elementary and secondary schools, including charter and renaissance schools, are not affected by this announcement and continue to be governed by existing requirements.
- Indoor worksites that are not open to the public remain governed by existing health and safety protocols that employers must follow.
- Masks will continue to be required in public-facing state offices, such as Motor Vehicle Commission agencies.
Lifting the six-foot social distancing requirement.
- The requirement will be lifted in businesses, including retail stores, personal care services, gyms, recreational and entertainment businesses, and casinos, and indoor gatherings, including religious services, political activities, weddings, funerals, memorial services, commercial gatherings, catered events, sports competitions, and performances.
- Businesses and entities overseeing indoor spaces can continue to require social distancing should they choose.
Lifting prohibition on dance floors at bars and restaurants.
- The prohibition on ordering and eating/drinking while standing at bars and restaurants will also be lifted.
The following changes will go into effect Friday, June 4:
- Removing the general indoor gathering limit, which is currently at 50 people.
- Removing the indoor gathering limit for political gatherings, weddings, funerals, memorial services, performances, and other catered and commercial events, which is currently at 250 people.
- Removing 30 percent capacity limitation for indoor large venues with a fixed-seating capacity over 1,000.
For the full text of Executive Order No. 242, click here.
Colleen Ekey, Deputy Coordinator
Emergency Management
County of Burlington, NJ
Governor Murphy Lifts Outdoor Mask Requirement & Travel Advisory
"New Jersey is making incredible progress towards our vaccination goals and our COVID-19 cast numbers continue to trend downwards, allowing us to eliminate the need for masks outdoors," said Governor Murphy on May 17, 2021, as he signed Executive Order 241 Eliminating Mask Requirement in Outdoor Public Spaces.
Click here for full Executive Order 241.
"With COVID-19 cases drastically declining in New Jersey and across the country, it is no longer necessary to ask New Jersey residents and travelers to quarantine upon arrival to our state," said Governor Murphy on May 17, 2021. Click here for full press release on Lifting of Travel Advisory.
Governor Murphy's Comprehensive Executive Order #238
This Executive Order #238 details past, present updated and possible future openings and parameters for opening many phases of New Jersey life now that the COVID-19 vaccination levels have progressed and made the State safer.
Click here to read the entire E.O. 238
April 26, 2021 - Updates on the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine, Private Catered Events, Dance Floors, Outdoor Gatherings & Festivals
As New Jersey state, county, municipal bodies and federal agencies continue to work together to eradicate the COVID-19 virus, Edgewater Park will continue to communicate this information to residents. Below are excerpts of an email from the Burlington County Commissioners and the NJ Association of Counties. Below that is a letter from the NJ Department of Health, all received on April 26, 2021.
Please find attached for your review, a memorandum from the New Jersey Department of Health (DOH) announcing that the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine may continue for persons 18 years of age and older. Separately, Governor Murphy revealed earlier today, with an executive order forthcoming, that is effective May 10th:
Indoor room capacities will increase to 50% with a maximum of 250 people for private catered events such as weddings and proms; political events; funerals; memorial services; and performances.
Dance floors may open at private catered events with face coverings and social distancing requirements in place. Dance floors at bars, nightclubs, and other similar businesses must remain closed.
Outdoor gathering limits will increase to 500 people.
Outdoor capacity for large venues will increase to 1000 people with appropriate social distancing restrictions.
Outdoor carnivals and fairs may operate at 50% capacity.
The Department of Education (DOE) is expected to issue prom and graduation guidance later today, and we'll make sure to share it with you accordingly. Please also note that county officials from across the State have been advocating for additional guidance on the re-opening adult day care centers and guidance on senior centers and group homes; the reopening community pools, spray parks, and beaches; and the safe reopening of bars and indoor dining
NJ Association of Counties:
www.njac.org County Government with a Unified Voice
Government Finance Officers Association of NJ:
www.gfoanj.org Promoting Excellence in Financial Management

Edgewater Park has received this letter regarding the COVID-19 Vaccination Program, from NJ Health Commissioner Judith M. Persichilli. Click here to read the entire letter.
Below is an excerpt of the letter, with the key links for information.
Eligible population
In accordance with this recommendation, the Janssen vaccine may be used on people aged 18 and older.
Provider education
Please ensure vaccination providers are well versed in the updated vaccine information, provider fact sheet, and clinical considerations. We expect providers to be prepared to address questions from their patients about the Janssen vaccine. These will be made available here:
• https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/janssen-covid-19-vaccine
• https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/info-by-product/janssen/index.html
• https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/index.html
Additionally, please note the safety reporting information here:
• https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2021/han00442.asp
• https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html
• https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/vsafe.html
• https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/safety-of-vaccines.html
Consumer education
Points of dispensing play a critical role in building public confidence in vaccination. Please ensure your patients receive the updated Janssen vaccine information, including the revised patient fact sheet. These will be made available here:
• https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/janssen-covid-19-vaccine
American Rescue Plan
From the Office of U. S. Senator Cory Booker
March 24, 2001
Last week President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan, marking a major step in providing much-needed Covid relief for Americans. Our office has compiled a comprehensive resource guide to help New Jerseyans understand what is in the American Rescue Plan and how to access the programs available to them. We have included information about funding to municipal and county governments, small business relief, vaccine access, and more.
The guide can be found on our website. Please feel free to share the guide with others, and as always, don't hesitate to reach out if our office can be of assistance Our Camden office is closest for South jersey residents:
One Port Center
2 Riverside Drive, Suite 505
Camden, NJ 08103
Phone: (856) 338-8922Phone: (856) 338-8922
Fax: (856) 338-8936
Fax: (856) 338-8936
MacKenzie Belling, South Jersey Director - Office of U.S. Senator Cory Booker
Recent Developments Regarding COVID-19
New Jersey Vaccination Sites as of January 6, 2021
Burlington County Testing Updates as of December 20, 2020
Burlington County Will Host One of the Six "Mega Sites" for the COVID-19 Vaccines
According to Colleen Ekey, Deputy Coordinator, Burlington County Emergency Management:
The State of New Jersey is on schedule to open six vaccine "mega sites" across the state in early January:
- Bergen County: Meadowlands Complex
- Morris County: Rockaway Town Square Mall
- Middlesex County: New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center
- Burlington County: Moorestown Mall
- Gloucester County: Rowan College of South Jersey
- Atlantic county: Atlantic City Convention Center
These sites will be in position to vaccinate frontline health care workers who are part of Category 1A.
NJ anticipates these sites also being able to accommodate the 1B category of essential workers, before moving to the 1CC category of adults 65+ with high-risk medical conditions.
The State has been told the Health Department will receive vaccine within a few weeks and they will begin vaccinating as soon as they receive it, then transition to the mega sit when it's operational.
NJ Health Issues Updated Quarantine Guidelines
Here are COVID-19 quarantine guidelines updated to cover the busy holiday season when people may gather in dangerously large numbers or in close, indoor places.

The NJ Department of Health has published a VAX MATTERS Newsletter, December 4, 2020 Edition, with important information about the coming COVID-19 vaccination(s).
New Jersey Dashboard
The New Jersey Website currently contains a dashboard of links about COVID-19 resources:
- COVID-19 Task Force Briefings
- NJ COVID-19 Dashboard #s for NJ
- NJ COVID-19 Information Hub - What You Need to Know
- NJ COVID-19 Job Portal - Jobs with an Essential Business
- COVID-19 Services and Assistance
Governor Murphy's Press Releases & Executive Orders
