Police Department
Mission Statement
"We, the Edgewater Park Township Police Department, exist to serve all people within our jurisdiction with respect, fairness, and compassion. We are committed to the prevention of crime and the protection of life and property; the preservation of peace, order and safety; the enforcement of laws and ordinances; and the safeguarding of constitutional guarantees."
"With community service as our foundation, we are driven by goals to enhance the quality of life, investigate problems, seek solutions, and foster a sense of security in communities and individuals. We will nurture public trust by holding ourselves to the highest standards of performance and ethics."
"To fulfill our mission, the Edgewater Park Township Police Department is dedicated to providing a quality work environment and the development of its members through effective training and leadership."
The Edgewater Park Township Police Department provides Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). EEO is an employment practice where employers do not engage in employment activities that are prohibited by law. It is illegal for employers to discriminate against an applicant or employee on the basis of: Race, Age, Color, Sex, Religion, National origin.
Principles and Values
This department and township are guided in its operation by Laws, Ordinances, Written Directives, Rules and Regulations, and a Code of Ethics. In addition to legal and administrative requirements, police departments are significantly influenced by their principles and values.
Police Department Principles
To assist in the accomplishment of our stated mission, the department is committed to the following principles which shall be considered a means of guiding our work and decision making process.
- Openness and Accessibility: the Edgewater Park Twp. Police Department shall endeavor to conduct our affairs publicly and be accessible to the public.
- Fairness: members shall strive to be fair and impartial in all of our actions.
- Responsiveness: members shall be responsive to the needs of the community and work in concert to resolve issues of mutual concern.
- Sensitivity: members shall be sensitive to the needs and concerns of all persons encountered as a result of official police duties.
- Accountability: members are responsible for their conduct and performance, to themselves, the department and the community.
- Organizational Efficiency: members shall remain committed to providing timely police services as efficiently as possible.
- Community Orientation: members shall strive to always do what is in the best interest of the community, subject to prevailing law and established written directives.
- Compassion: members shall show empathy and caring for victims, complainants and all other persons encountered as a result of official duty.
- Problem Solving: in furtherance of the established concepts of community policing, members are deemed to be most effective when they help identify and solve community problems.
- Integrity: it is held that honesty is the basis for personal and public trust. Accordingly, members shall place emphasis on personal and departmental integrity.
- Fiscal Responsibility: members shall demonstrate a concern for conserving the tax dollars that fund our operation. Equipment and facilities shall be protected and maintained to the best of each member’s ability.
- Democratic Principles: members will protect the constitutional rights and personal freedoms of all residents and persons coming within the jurisdiction of this township.
- Teamwork: members shall endeavor to work as part of a team and recognize the importance of each employee as an individual and a team member, and will strive to apply these values to all interactions with the general public and co-workers.
Police Department Officer Value Statements
- WE RESPECT LIFE… We hold the preservation of life as our sacred duty. Our value of human life sets our priorities.
- WE REVERE THE TRUTH… We will pursue truth, honesty and justice with vigor. We will accept nothing less in our organization.
- WE DEMONSTRATE INTEGRITY… We value organizational and personal integrity which is essential to the success of our department. Anything less is unacceptable.
- WE PRIZE LOYALTY… We value personal commitment and loyalty as essential to the best interest of public safety and professional law enforcement. Loyalty is the foundation upon which trust is built within our department and the community we serve.
- WE ARE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE… We will encourage and support our members in their efforts to achieve the highest professional and ethical standards and quality of service to the public.
- WE CONDUCT OURSELVES WITH DIGNITY… We recognize that our personal conduct, both on and off duty, is inseparable from the professional reputation of both the officer and the department.
- WE HONOR OUR POLICE POWERS… We understand that our police powers are derived from the people we serve. We do not tolerate the abuse of our police authority.
- WE ENFORCE THE LAW… We recognize that our basic responsibility is to enforce the law of the land for the general good, while respecting the rights and dignity of each individual, regardless of race, creed, color and sex. Our role is to resolve problems through the law, not to judge and punish. We will use only that amount of force necessary.
- WE SEEK COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP… We view the people of our community as partners who deserve our concern, care and attention. We are committed to reducing the fear of crime in our community, and we endeavor to do this by creating partnerships in our neighborhoods.
- WE STRIVE TO IMPROVE… We can never be satisfied with the status quo. We must aim for continuous improvement in serving the public in an ever-changing society.
- WE VALUE COURAGE… We realize that both physical and moral courage are essential if we are to live the values we believe in.
Police Department Operational Value Statements
- REVERENCE FOR INTERGRITY & HONESTY… Be dedicated to the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal relationships, truthfulness in communications, and observance of ethical guidelines contained in State law, the municipal code and internal policies in order to merit the respect of the public for the Team.
- PROFESSIONALISM IN PUBLIC SERVICE… Honor our positions through civility and decorum in our interactions with fellow Team members, residents and officials.
- COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE… Make it a duty to continually improve one’s abilities and help develop the competence of associates on the Team. Develop and communicate benchmarks for as many functions and tasks as possible to demonstrate the careful use of public resources.
- RESPECT FOR THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS & REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT... Recognize that elected representatives of the people are entrusted with the establishment of local government policies and priorities while execution of said policies rests with the Team.
- OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY… Seek continuously to find ways to maximize the use of resources provided by the taxpayers and thoroughly clarify and communicate Team priorities.
- SENSE OF FAIRNESS… Recognize the chief function of local government is to serve the best interest of all the people. As a professional organization, we guard our reputation for the impartial delivery of public services.
- PROBLEM SOLVING ATTITUDE… Maintain a constructive, cooperative, creative and practical attitude toward the affairs of the local government and challenges facing the Team.
- HONOR FOR CHAIN OF COMMAND… Recognize each Team member is entitled to a clear set of expectations and explanation of methods delivered by a properly qualified supervisor along the chain of command. Team members honor the chain of command by respecting each other’s professional responsibilities.
- DIGNIFIED CONDUCT… Recognize the personal conduct of Team members, both on and off the job, is inseparable from the Team’s professional and ethical reputation and has a direct relationship on the dignity and worth placed on public service and local government by the general public.
- VALUE LOYALITY… Prize loyalty to the Team’s mission and believe this requires: (1) a duty to look out for the welfare of Team members and resources; (2) a responsibility to communicate effectively in order to identify better ways to meet the mission; and (3) carry a deep sense of respect for the private resources provided by residents to achieve the mission.
Informational Links:
Contact Information:
Police Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Phone: 609-877-4404
Police E-mail Tip Line:
E-mail Tip Line Link
Notice: Any information received from this tip line may be used in any way deemed appropriate by the Edgewater Park Twp. Police Department, in accordance with the law. Any information sent, that is deemed inappropriate, immoral, or illegal will be dealt with as the law allows. You may send tip information anonymously, or you may include your contact information. Please note, however, that emails sent with inappropriate, immoral, or illegal items or writings may be tracked, and the sender will be prosecuted according to the law.
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